After another all night bus back to BA we stayed once again at the same place and took the time to get ready for our trip to Patagonia. Our host figured by the time we make it to the top of Chilean Patagonia we´ll have been on the road for 3 months. Before we started running erands though we had a proper Argentinian ´asado´ on a genuine ´parilla´ (brick bbq) at our hosts house. I like the the vibe of the meal. He started the fire - no gas bbq here, straight coals - at around 7 and we didn´t finish eating until around 11pm. Instead of cooking steaks what they do is take a giant piece of meat and when the outside portions are ready to eat they cut it off and you eat a little at a time for a long time. Elise and I brought the wine from Mendoza, some reserve stuff that you can only buy at the vineyard or at a proper distributer. A great night. Next day we bought camping gear incluidng a tent, extra sleeping mat (already had one), stove, basic cooking set, rope, duct tape and some basic kitchen stuff. We also went to the zoo for a morning. This visit has made Elise decide that she doesn´t want to head to any more and I don´t blame her. There were too many animals in there, without enough room to wander. And imagine, there was a pitiful looking polar bear in there - it was 30´C outside! I´m still not so sure zoos are a bad idea, but only if they´re good ones, not like the one in BA.
This amount of food for 4 people. And we ate almost all of it./L'asado chez notre hôte à qui nous avions rapporté 3 excellentes bouteilles de Mendoza. |
"Hakuna Matata, means no worries, for the rest of your life..."This guy was about the only sort of happy or sane looking animal at the zoo. We took pictures of them all, but they´re kind of sad./Et qu'est-ce que Mike s'est mis a chanté en voyant cet animal? Seul moment drôle de notre visite au zoo. Conclusion: je n'aime pas les zoos! |
After seeing the Museum of Fine Art (not really that big or impressive) the next day on another night bus for a town called Viedma and eventually a bit of seaside camping in El Condor. After getting off the bus we immediately headed on the local public bus some 30 minutes to the coast, got a campsite and enjoyed being by the sea for the first time since San Fransisco. There is the world´s largest colony of Burrowing Parrots, beautiful noisy buggers, at El Condor as well. From there we spent one night in Viedma (blah town, nice river though) and headed on a 7 hour day bus to our current location at Puerto Madryn. We´ll try and keep the updates coming more regularly, partly because this round of updates has taken quite some time. Our next update will include stories of penguins, elephant seals, sea lions and Right wales. This place so far has been spectacular for wildlife.
Nice to be on the beach after so long on the road and in the city./Enfin la mer, ça c'est les vacances! |
First night camping on our trip. To save costs and give us more freedom we hope to use it a lot more. The tent is a little small./Première nuit de camping, on teste la tente et le vin... |
Our own attempt at an asado on the parilla./Notre premier asado. |
After a bit of a storm./Le calme après la tempête. |
Beautiful, yes, but I´d have shot them all at night./La colonie d'oiseau d'El Condor. |
A little bit of home in Argentina./Une autre de mes fameuses poses. |
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