After a short trip in Viedma we came to Puerto Madryn, most famous for its access to the Peninsula Valdez and its incredible sea life. One thing we´ve discovered about eastern Argentina is that it is very, very, very flat. A soccer ball could roll all the way from Iguazu Falls to here along highway 3 without so much as encountering a mole hill. And to be honest we were getting a little bored of the scenery. And the scenery around here is more of the same shrubby, sheep filled flatness. However, we would not have missed the trip. We stayed in a really great hostel (La Tosca) in dorms with two kitchens a great vibe to hang out in the courtyard. We met two Irish folks with whom we decided to rent a car for the next day´s travels. First to a colony of 500,000 penguins at Punto Tomba, where we had to wait for the animals to cross the trail right in front of us. Their eggs were hatching so the chirp of little ones was everywhere. I find it really funny watching them walk. It´s sort of ridiculous. And think, some of these guys had to walk 1km from the ocean to their nests. Mom and dad mate for life and take turns each year going out to sea to get food to regurgitate into their childrens´mouths. They can be gone for 3 days at a time, traveling some 600km. It was a gorgeous day and we found the site very well maintained (best bathrooms in Argentina!) and spent about 3 hours there walking the trails and watching the penguins do their thing.
What, never seen a penguin before? |
Just another day at the beach. |
They mate for life... |
 | make eggs. |
Us with our buddies, both Irish and Spheniscidae. |
Later that same day we drove the rental car, a two door Fiat, on loose gravel roads some 180km to see elephant seals at Punto Ninfas. The drive was super boring because of the usual scenery. We started to get a little nervous after a couple of hours and no sign of, well, anything. However we eventually saw a lighthouse in the distance and knew we were close. We hit the reserve, with no entry fee or buildings, and found two camper vans where the occupants were getting ready for supper. They told us to climb down the cliff and voila we were able to come within inches of a washed up baby whale (very sad) and dozens of enormous elephant seals. The males, the ones with the elephant trunk, weren´t around - they just come for sex and then leave - but the females and young ones were either lounging on the gravel beach or playing in the water just in front. It was a great way to spend 40 minutes and I could have spent longer but the sun was coming down. These animals look so helpless on land, barely able to move and constantly sneezing and farting. However in the water they would be pretty tough to take down. We four sat in silence some 3 feet away from a monster female and thought about how lucky we were to be where we were with no other toursits on the beach. After climbing back up the cliff (there were ropes, it wasn´t too hard at all) we spoke with the camper owners - two french families, one of whom traveling for a year with three children and the other on week number four of a four year trip with two children. I think one year is ok, four will be tough on those kids. They made nice cake, and gave us a place out of the wind to have our celebratory beers. This was a fantastic day, made more fun for me as I did most of the gravel driving - reminded me of home and the Dempster Highway. I was a little nervous taking the car back and we hadn´t said we would drive on any gravel, and we hammered that poor little Fiat, but the rental agency took one look at said we were good to go.
Unfortunately first we saw this dead baby right whale. It might have been the result of a miscariage. Poor thing. |
They weren´t too bothered about our presence and couldn´t have done much on land even if they were... |
 | the water would be another story however. |
We could get even closer. |
Too bad the light ran out so quick after we got there. |
A couple of days after that we headed by public bus to Puerto Piramides and wound up camping near the beach. Puerto Piramides is home to about 500 people and is the main base for Right whale watching in the region. Within two hours of being there we were on a zodiac with trip 225hp engines on it that was designed to hold 40 people but only 15 were on it under cloudless skies and hot sun. The guide told us that we had to be patient, that the season was almost over and that
if we found any whales they might not be so social. Ten minutes later we were face to face with a 15m long mother and her 3 month old, 6m long, baby. Seriously, the spray from their breathing got us wet. The baby breached, the mother held her 5m wide tail tail up high. They did all sorts of things. There were some seagulls there that peck at the whales for food and apparently it is hugely painful for them - a lot of their acrobatics are designed to get rid of the birds. Poor things. I found myself a little short of breath seeing these enormous animals, that could easily have flipped the boat, come so close but with absolutely no menace in their movements. There really is something special about seeing a whale up close. We found another two pairs - again, the males come for some nooky and then split back to Antarctica (maybe we´ll see them later?) - one of which was very shy and kept dodging the boat and the other very social. The social baby came right beside the boat and gave us a great view of its eye. At one point both mother and baby were under the boat on their backs showing us their white bellies. Elise and I both said if someone forced us to remember only one thing from our trip so far it would have been that experience. Sadly after an hour and a half we had to come back to port. That night we had a delicious seafood meal which I think has partially contributed to a pretty sore stomach now for me.
Safe to see some whales! |
Darned seagulls, pecking at this baby. |
Supposedly they do this as a sort of sail. The mothers also hide their babies from the seagulls under their tales. A mother produces 200L of milk a day for the baby, which grows 2cm per day. They only eat in Antarctica, some 5500km away. |
This looks close, but Elise could have touched them at some points. |
The ´exhaust´ is steam, not spray. |
The next day Elise was feeling a little under the weather so she stayed in town when I went for a hike along the coast just looking for something to find. After heading up and down scrubby valleys for about an hour and a half I would up unexpectedly at another wildlife reserve and quickly heard all sorts of odd grunts and snorts. Turns out I had come across a sea lion colony. The viewing platform was about 50 feet up on a cliffside that overlooks rock platforms below. I saw about 30 animals that included two very lively males fighting for eachother´s harem. It was such a cool place I took Elise back the next day before our bus back to Puerto Madryn. On our walk back along the beach we even saw a dolphin fin pop up a couple of times. The only animal we ´missed´ seeing were orca whales, but we´re at the wrong time for that. We met a nice young couple from France who we shared a ´parilla´with at the campground on our last night in Puerto Piramides. Before Argentina they had spent 2.5 months traveling around the western USA just visiting national parks. Sounded fantastic; they say the best parks are in Utah.
I stumbled on this. Pretty nice. |
This guy had to deal with two encroaching males on either side. Elise said it looked like a pretty stressful life. |
They were very graceful, fast and agile in the water. |
We saw a few fights like this one... |
...but mainly ther life is this, tanning. |
Now we are getting ready to head way south in Patagonia, eventually to Ushuaia. It looks like we´ll have Christmas there, or if lucky, further south.
Bonjour Élise et Mike,
ReplyDeleteVos écrits me parviennent via Élizabeth. C'est très intéressant de vous lire. Vous êtes vraiment chanceux de vivre ces beaux moments. Ça me rappelle des moments vécus en Argentine également.
Bonne continuation!!!
Lorraine Beaulieu ( la coiffeuse de Élizabeth)